
Skyrim special edition roleplay mods
Skyrim special edition roleplay mods

skyrim special edition roleplay mods skyrim special edition roleplay mods

In the end Mona showed little sympathy to anybody and was cynically wise but also eager for power and knowledge to a foolhardy extent, but developed as time went on, going through highs and lows (losing a certain follower she might have formed feelings for being quite a low point and not helping her misanthropy, while finding another she initially was annoyed by only to become protective of to the point of being a second surrogate sister possibly softening her a bit, though not enough to give her a complete moral makeover) that eventually led her to joining the Stormcloaks and eliminating the Imperial presence with the intent of one day taking the throne for herself, while defeating Alduin as her duty as the Dragonborn, one of the few significant roles she played out of something beyond personal gain but respect for and fear of the greater picture.

skyrim special edition roleplay mods

(This Josamie was a character from a previous save they'd made which ended short - thus the groundwork of the backstory!) One of, er, my friend's most notable Skyrim playthroughs (albeit on PC.and taking severe creative liberties) set up a BAMF named Mona who was also a bit in over her head and looking for her Imperial childhood friend and surrogate big sister Josamie, who she believes was killed by one of the Imperials' elite officers for excising sympathy to a group of Stormcloak rebels in a specific incident, only to be given a 'mystical' hint from beyond Mundus that she was still alive.

Skyrim special edition roleplay mods